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Black On White Crime And The Sound Of Crickets Chirping

In black racism, hate crime, politics on April 24, 2012 at 7:55 pm

Black on white crime – it happens.  And whether it happens in public, and in broad daylight in front of witnesses, if it was to happen right in front of a news camera, with the camera rolling, would the crime still be recorded and reported?  It makes a BIG difference to the liberal MSM whether the crime is white on black or black on white.  A white on black crime is NEWS; it’s a hate crime; and it justifies, from the MSM point of view, the continued charge of white “raaaacism!”  So, why, when it is a black on white crime, and specifically a hate crime, intentionally committed by a black person on a white person solely because the victim is white, are these incidents ignored by the liberal MSM?  Why is there never the charge, by the liberal MSM, of black “raaaacism!”  More than likely because it paints blacks in a bad and negative light.  The same bad light, ironically, the liberal MSM enjoys painting whites in every time a white person commits a crime against, or says or does something of a racist nature to, a black person.  We need to start taking black on white crime just as seriously as we take white on black crime.  We do not expect race-baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to come to the defense of white victims against their black attackers, as they do with black victims against white attackers, and as they are doing (over-hyping) with the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case.  And as it turns out, neither of these race-baiting thugs have done that to date.  There are more than enough of us in media that can cover these black on white hate crimes without Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton interfering.  However, we damn well ought to expect media outlets, and that includes the liberal MSM, to do its job and report on these incidents with the same passion, the same human interest and compassion, as they do when it is a white on black crime.  By not doing so, it is unwittingly, perhaps, giving cover and shelter to these racist criminals who are attacking whites. and providing these thugs with the courage to continue attacking whites, knowing little will be done to bring these incident to the public’s attention.  Or – is it that the MSM really doesn‘t have any compassion, any empathy, any interest whatsoever when a black person commits a violent crime against a white person?  Would it surprise anyone if the MSM didn’t?

  1. […] Black On White Crime And The Sound Of Crickets Chirping ( […]

  2. It happens ever day.

  3. […] Black On White Crime And The Sound Of Crickets Chirping ( […]

  4. […] – would refuse to acknowledge the recent incidents of black on white crime?  Look here and here for more […]

  5. […] Black On White Crime And The Sound Of Crickets Chirping ( […]

  6. […] Black On White Crime And The Sound Of Crickets Chirping ( […]

  7. .
    Every news story on these “people”
    should use the following VOICE OVER …
    And here are some scenes from our next terrifying episode of ‘NATIONAL
    GEOGRAPHIC’S WILD KINGDOM’ — as we cautiously observe the impact
    of the unprovoked and mind-boggling violent social-behavior as found
    displayed among THE TYPICAL HERD-PACK when it is composed
    OF THE “Non-Incarcerated-Ghetto-Ground-Ape” (aka. the ‘NIGGA’).
    It should be noted that a baby gazelle surrounded by a pride of lions is,
    on certain occasions, safer than an actual human-being in the presence
    of THE TYPICAL “Non-Incarcerated Ghetto-Ground-Ape” (the ‘NIGGA’).
    May God help humanity and let this entire species
    get forcibly sterilized … throughout the whole world!!!

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